BHS & Apollo Juniors-ACT (Required State Funded)
Starting 2/27/2024 and ending on 2/27/2024
Event Groups:
• Bath High School - Bath High School Events
Bath and Apollo students

STATE-FUNDED ACTTuesday, February 27

The state-funded ACT for juniors is scheduled for Tuesday, February 27. The test is free for any junior at Bath or Apollo. Those who take the ACT will be dismissed at the conclusion of testing (approximately 12:00). Any student who chooses to opt-out of this year’s test is expected to attend school on the regular schedule. All sophomores will take the pre-ACT on this day as well. Results will be shared with students and kept with their guidance counselors after the test.

Bath HS Juniors and Apollo Juniors that took the test will be released from school following the test.

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Bath High School