NHS sponsored guest speaker Lauren Cunningham
Starting 2/16/2024 at 12:20 PM and ending on 2/16/2024 at 12:50 PM
Event Groups:
• Bath High School - Bath High School Events
Good Afternoon,

On March 28, NHS will be sponsoring the Red Cross Blood Drive. In recent years our donations have been down, and I am trying a few things to increase donations. One of the things we are doing to increase donations is inviting 2023 BHS graduate Lauren Cunningham to speak to our eligible students (16 and older) about her health issues as a child and how important blood donations were for her. She will be at school this Friday during WT B to talk with eligible students.

On Friday, sophomore, junior, and senior WT B teachers please send your students to the auditorium after you take attendance. I realize I am not hitting all of the sophomores and seniors but will make a plea for them to attend as well. If you are a WT B teacher and would like to attend, feel free but you are not obligated.

Thank you for your cooperation regarding this matter and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


PS- Another way to lure people in is that Kewpee has agreed to donate hamburgers and frosty (that's the plural, I checked) to all who participate in the blood drive. How many lives do you want to save that day? Staff is always welcome to participate as well.